Torrent clients mac

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As long as you are downloading free resources, using torrent clients should be fun. We do not promote piracy or illegal downloading of licensed files. But downloading files that are supposed to be paid for or are licensed can be illegal. Remember one thing downloading torrents is not illegal in any way. However, if you are a Mac user, Transmission is something you should really consider as it makes the use of macOS’s native features very efficient. The best choice for most of the people remains to be BitTorrent and uTorrent. These were the best torrent clients we have tested. You can also create your own torrent files using the application. There is also support for magnet URLs, port forwarding and a random selection, protocol encryption, multi-tracker announcing like with µTorrent, tracker logins, and more. It includes features such as file selec­tion and file pri­or­ity specification, disk caching, super-seeding, a man­aged tor­rent queue system, torrent track­er editing spe­cified in the torrent, and more. The application is based on the excellent libtorrent library from Rasterbar Software. If you are a Mac user, these are the top BitTorrent clients for macOS in 2018. Halite is another open-source BitTorrent client. Downloading torrents might not be as popular as it once was, but you'll still find a ton of content available online.